Assessments & Fees

  • How Am I Assessed for the MYP?

    You are assessed in your six subject areas, as well as on your MYP Project and Service & Action hours. Your Reflection Logs will be returned to your I&S teachers to be graded for completion and will form a portion of your grade for this course. In order to get your MYP Certification, you need to complete Service Learning reflection logs (6 reflections required for 9th grade)  during 9th grade Seminar. You also have to complete and pass the Personal Project during 10th-grade Seminar to receive your MYP Certificate.  During your 10th grade, you need to complete 4 Service Learning Reflections. 

    To learn more about IB MYP assessment, go to: Wooster IB MYP Assessment Policy


    There are no assessment fees associated for MYP.