Free Breakfast & Lunch this year


We are open for Breakfast from 7:30-7:55am Monday through Friday  before class starts  & all meals are FREE to the students. All they need to do is punch in their STUDENT  I. D. #’s.😊

The cafeteria is open for lunch from 12:20- 12:55 M-F and 11:45-12:20 on Wednesday.

Again, students are FREE with their student I.D. #’s and all adults are welcome to come on down and purchase a lunch or snack as well.

F.Y.I. All adults are invited to come down and can purchase breakfast, lunch or even an Ala Carte snack. We have yogurt, fruit parfaits, donuts, Snapple, Gatorade and much more.

School Lunch MENUS can be found here.